[vc_headings style=”theme3″ linewidth=”100″ borderclr=”#000000″ title=”Case Goods” titleclr=”#923e2b” caption_url=””][/vc_headings]
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Avalon combines modern European style with American made reliability. With this collection, it’s all in the details. Each piece features contemporary hardware and refined design that is sure to impress your guests.


Motif Black
[mvc_ihe border_width=”” hover_effect=”square effect6 from_left_and_right” image_id=”28879″ caption_bg=”#ffffff” caption_url=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fdicksonhospitalityfurniture.com%2Fmotif-black%2F|title:Motif%20Black||”]

Motif Black

The Motif collection “STANDS UP TO YOUR HOTEL GUESTS”! At Dickson Furniture, we combine the strength of metal frames and the advantages of high pressure laminates to create the most durable hotel furniture available.


Motif Plus – Black
[mvc_ihe border_width=”” hover_effect=”square effect6 from_left_and_right” image_id=”28881″ caption_bg=”#ffffff” caption_url=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fdicksonhospitalityfurniture.com%2Fmotif-plus-black%2F|title:Motif%20Plus%20Black||”]

Motif Plus – Black

Motif Plus is the Next Generation of our Motif Collection. It has a thicker top look. Like the Motif, the Motif Plus adds more of laminate on the top that extends from the left to the right and hides more of the metal edges. The Motif Plus delivers the same durability of having the metal to protect your furniture, but its design is a more elegant look for your hotel.


[mvc_ihe border_width=”” hover_effect=”square effect6 from_left_and_right” image_id=”28884″ caption_bg=”#ffffff” caption_url=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fdicksonhospitalityfurniture.com%2Fvue-collection-2%2F|title:Vue||”]


Everyone wants a room with a VUE. We combine the strength of metal and advantages of high pressure laminates to create the most durable hotel furniture available.


Ultra Collection – New
[mvc_ihe border_width=”” hover_effect=”square effect6 from_left_and_right” image_id=”30818″ caption_bg=”#ffffff” caption_url=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fdicksonhospitalityfurniture.com%2Fultra-silver-collection%2F|title:Ultra||”]

Ultra Collection – New

Express incorporates today’s design into an affordable and attainable line of hospitality furniture. From dramatic credenzas to tasteful chairs, the entire line is as easy on the eyes as it is on the budget and features an uncommon durability and value.


[mvc_ihe border_width=”” hover_effect=”square effect6 from_left_and_right” image_id=”28877″ caption_bg=”#ffffff” caption_url=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fdicksonhospitalityfurniture.com%2Fsable%2F|title:sable||”]


Our Sable line of hospitality furniture evokes clean contemporary lines that believe its sturdy durability and impressive value. Each piece of the Sable line is double reinforced and boasts upgraded hardware to provide long-lasting furniture at an affordable price.


Motif Silver
[mvc_ihe border_width=”” hover_effect=”square effect6 from_left_and_right” image_id=”28880″ caption_bg=”#ffffff” caption_url=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fdicksonhospitalityfurniture.com%2Fmotif-silver%2F|title:Motif%20%20Silver||”]

Motif Silver

The Motif collection “STANDS UP TO YOUR HOTEL GUESTS”! At Dickson Furniture, we combine the strength of metal frames and advantages of high pressure laminates to create the most durable hotel furniture available.


Motif Plus – Silver
[mvc_ihe border_width=”” hover_effect=”square effect6 from_left_and_right” image_id=”28883″ caption_bg=”#ffffff” caption_url=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fdicksonhospitalityfurniture.com%2Fmotif-plus-silver%2F|title:Motif%20Plus%20Silver||”]

Motif Plus – Silver

Motif Plus is the Next Generation of our Motif Collection. It has thicker top look. Like the Motif, the Motif plus adds more of laminate on the top that extends from the left to the right and hides more of the metal edges. The Motif Plus delivers the same durability of having the metal to protect your furniture, but its design is a more elegant look for your hotel.


Dickson Two Tone
[mvc_ihe border_width=”” hover_effect=”square effect6 from_left_and_right” image_id=”28885″ caption_bg=”#ffffff” caption_url=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fdicksonhospitalityfurniture.com%2Fsable-two-tone-collection%2F|title:Two%20Tone||”]

Dickson Two Tone

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.


Vogue Collection
[mvc_ihe border_width=”” hover_effect=”square effect6 from_left_and_right” image_id=”30827″ caption_bg=”#ffffff” caption_url=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fdicksonhospitalityfurniture.com%2Fvogue-collection-black-metal%2F|title:Vogue||”]

Vogue Collection
